Brand Design for Vidisport

Project Overview

Vidisport, a technology firm specializing in customizable fan video software, approached us to revamp their outdated logo, which failed to accurately represent their modern software. The goal was to create a more modern, sleek, and versatile logo suitable for various web and social platforms.



The Challenge

The challenge was to transform the outdated logo into a modern and simplified version that aligned seamlessly with Vidisport's contemporary software offerings and could be easily utilized across diverse online platforms.

The Solution

Conducting initial research and closely following Vidisport's guidelines, we presented several logo sketches. Through iterative feedback sessions, we refined the design until achieving a logo that fulfilled the client's vision. The finalized logo is now modern, sleek, simple, and effortlessly adaptable for use across social media and web platforms.


The renewed logo not only met Vidisport's expectations but exceeded them, providing a modern representation of their brand that enhances their online presence.
