Digital Marketing | When to Change Your Strategy | 7 Signs

Digital Marketing | When to Change Your Strategy | 7 Signs

Aug 22, 2023

Muhammed Gemi

Men in white shirt looking happy while holding a tablet on the yellow background
Men in white shirt looking happy while holding a tablet on the yellow background

One of the most common mistakes brands make when it comes to online marketing is not changing their strategy. The world is always changing, and so does customer behaviour and expectations. You can't expect your website, social media presence, or email marketing campaigns to work if they haven't been optimized for customers' needs and behaviours over time. If you do nothing else in 2019, make sure that you're regularly evaluating your performance against a few key metrics — then use those insights to adjust your strategy as needed!

7 Signs

Don't chase short-term gains.

You may be tempted to chase short-term wins, but your strategy won't be successful if it's not sustainable. Focus on long-term goals and don't get distracted by shiny new things--it's okay to try something new, but don't try everything at once!

Be aware of the customer journey.

You should be aware of the customer journey because it can help you understand where your customer is in the process of buying. You may find that some customers are ready to buy right away, while others will need more time and information before they make a decision.

If you have multiple products or services to offer, there are different types of journeys:

  • A buyer might start with one product or service and then move on to another after they've had a positive experience with it (this is called "upselling"). For example, if someone buys an ebook from you during their first visit to your website, they might decide later that they want access to all of your other ebooks as well; so then when they come back again--and this time spend money--it'll be because there's something else on offer at an even higher price point than what was previously sold (a higher-value product). This type of process often happens over time rather than immediately after someone makes their initial purchase,; but once again: keep track! Because if done correctly this strategy can lead directly into making more sales...and thus potentially increase revenue by leaps and bounds over time!

Focus on higher-value users, not just volume.

You should also start thinking about the right metrics. In other words, you need to know which metrics matter in your business and how they can help you understand what's going on with your customers. For example, if you were a clothing retailer looking at online sales data from one day in March, it would be easy to spot a spike in traffic during the same period last year. But there are lots of ways this information could be misleading: maybe all those extra visitors came from ads rather than organic search; maybe many of them left as soon as they saw only blouses available (you didn't have enough inventory); perhaps some weren't even real people but bots trying out different queries until they found something useful (which would mean no sales). The only way

to understand what happened is by looking at all these factors together--and understanding that not every metric matters equally!

Pay attention to performance indicators.

It's important to measure the right things. Here are some examples of performance indicators:

  • Conversion rate

  • Customer retention rate

  • Time spent on site/app, or average session duration (and how this relates to customer spend)

Iterate and evolve your strategy.

It's important to iterate and evolve your strategy. Your audience is constantly changing, so you need to be willing to change with them. Don't be afraid to try new things, stop doing things that aren't working and make adjustments as necessary.

You should try new things, but not too many at once!

The best way to avoid wasting time and money on ineffective strategies is by focusing your efforts on one or two things at a time. Don't try to do everything at once!

For example, if you're looking into social media marketing as a possible tactic for your business, don't start by creating every kind of content possible on each platform. Instead, pick one type of post (e.g., blog posts) and see how it performs before moving forward with anything else. Marketing plan plays a vital role. In addition, don't try out several different platforms right away; instead, focus on one platform until it becomes clear what works best for your audience there and then move on to another platform once that's been determined. 

Lastly (and most importantly), don't try too many new things at once--it's easy in this industry where everything seems exciting when everyone else around us seems excited about something new all the time! But remember: being all things to all people isn't realistic or sustainable over time; instead find out what works best within specific contexts so that we can better understand our customers' needs across channels rather than just trying random stuff without any consideration for context first."


Marketing is a long-term game, so don't get discouraged if you aren't seeing immediate results. It takes time for your strategy to work and it's OK if some of it doesn't work out as planned. The important thing is that you keep trying new things and learning from what works best for your company or clientele--then use these learnings when planning future campaigns!

With our data-driven strategies and metrics, we can help you as a business owner. We have services like Graphic Design, Content Marketing, Email Marketing,  Sales Funnel SEO, Digital Media and many more marketing campaigns. URest has one of the most successful marketing automation services in Warsaw, Poland.

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